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Entry Requirement

1. Telah menghadiri Kursus yang dikendalikan oleh NIOSH atau semua Pusat Latihan yang diluluskan oleh JKKP.

2. Boleh berkomunikasi secara lisan dalam Bahasa Melayu atau Bahasa Inggeris ATAU boleh menulis dalam Bahasa Melayu atau Bahasa Inggeris.

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Entry Requirement

1. Sijil Kehadiran Kursus Pertolongan Cemas Pekerjaan Asas.

2. Sijil Akedemik PMR/SPM/STPM.

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Entry Requirement

1.Registered Safety and Health Officers with at least 6 months experience as a Safety and Health Officer at construction sites; OR 

2.Site Supervisor/Managers with at least 3 years of experience related to safety and health in the construction industry; AND 

3.Must be a CIDB green card holder; AND 

4.Candidates shall have attended and completed (passed) Train The Trainer (TTT1) conducted by NIOSH or equivalent AND recognized by HRDF; AND

5.Candidates shall be able to read, write, communicate and understand in Bahasa Malaysia and English Language.

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Entry Requirement

1. Malaysian citizen; AND2. Candidates must be able to read and write in Bahasa Malaysia and English language; AND3. Candidates shall have attended Ergonomic Trained Person for Initial Ergonomics Risk Assessment (ERA1) course conducted by NIOSH or any other training provider approved by DOSH.

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Entry Requirement

a)    Computer literacy

ü  Well verse in Microsoft Office (Word / PowerPoint)

b)    Own a laptop

c)    For online session only : Stable and reliable internet / Wi-Fi

d)    Attended the Train The Trainer Program (TTT1).

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Entry Requirement

1.1.1     Candidate must be able to read, write and understand in Bahasa Malaysia or English Language.

1.1.2     Participants must have at least 6 months experience as forklift truck drivers /supervisors.

1.1.3     Candidates must have attended and completed Basic Safe Handling of Forklift Trucks Course conducted by NIOSH or other NIOSH approved training providers.

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Fill in your information below. Make sure all the information are correct.

Candidate Type *

Training Provider *

These documents is to verify that you are qualified to take the exams

File 1: Course Certificate *

File 2: - *


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Fill in your information below. Make sure all information are correct.


Must be Malaysian phone number

Highest Education



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Declaration of Personal Data and use and Notice on Entry Requirement